purple ram


A news at work hit me like a sudden gust of wind, unexpected yet inevitable. It was something I had expected but the reality of it still caught me by surprise. It's probably hearsay at this point but you know what they say when there is smoke. My mind was unsure on how to take it yet. But I am leaning towards it being a bad news. I try not to think about it but how could I ignore something so looming?

One important teaching in Stoicism is to focus on what we can control and what we can't.

I had no power over the news, this major change. I could only influence my attitude, opinion or response about it.

But I'm not doing well in that regard. It all sounds good on paper but putting it in action is another story.

How does one achieve such calm and peacefulness? How do you silence the thoughts of uncertainty that overwhelm your mind? How do you accept what's outside your grasp and simply wait for something certain yet with unknown timing?


I recite this in my head, yet I could not muster the peace of mind to stop worrying. The worry lingers. It's inherent, I tell myself. It's human.

But am I over reacting? And if I am, how do I stop?
