purple ram

Ultimate goal

A friend once asked me, “What’s your ultimate goal in life?”

It was way back in college. I was young. But I had an answer.

“I want to build an orphanage”, I told him. For a student who was still clueless about life, that was an ambitious declaration.

While such a big dream wasn’t out of the blue, I wasn’t sure when or how I got the idea either. I knew I’ve already thought of that when I was younger and it felt like a lifelong goal.

As years passed and priorities changed, I still have that dream – that someday, I would be able to build a home for the children. A home where they would be nurtured and protected.

It’ll be miles ahead, and now it’s just a plain canvass. I don’t know when the first line would be drawn but I am certain the picture would be complete.