purple ram

Toddler versus tidiness

I've always been an organized person. Or at least, I like to think so. But having a kid makes me lose some of my bearings from time to time.

Toys on the floor are constant in our household nowadays. I used to ask my son to help clean up every night. And he would, willingly.

But lately, it seems that I have given up enforcing my rules on tidiness. My need of structure conflicts with the carefree world my son creates around him.

I realized he's still a kid after all. There's plenty of time to instill a sense of responsibility in him, little by little.

But right now, I want to let him enjoy his world— one of misplaced toys, unshelved books, and scattered Lego pieces. If it fosters his creativity and imagination, then so be it.

Part of me struggles with the mess. Each toy out of place feels like a surrender to the chaos. But another part of me, the one that sees him lost in his own little world, tells me to let it go.

For now, these are part of his playground. And maybe, part of mine too, as I learn to embrace a little disorder in exchange for his boundless imagination.
