The writer in me
We have an on-and-off relationship, writing and I.
I could write an article each day for a week, only to slack off in the next two weeks or so. Making the habit stick has been a struggle for me. Amid a strong desire to write is an obvious lack of discipline. And in that absence, progress is halted.
That being said, I enjoy creating through writing and its pull is irresistible. So the cycle continues.
Writing is a brain dump. Whenever my thoughts were all over the place, I would get a pen and paper. Then I would already be in good company. I would write everything I could think of. Anything goes. There were no rules and boundaries. It’s like projecting the abstract ideas within my head onto a blank canvas. Emptying the container to get it ready for the next round. Seeing my brain on paper in the form of words provides clarity. It helps me organize my thoughts and think more clearly.
I like reading as much as writing. If you would see me staring at my phone, it’s not because of social media. I would definitely be reading a blog post about minimalism, productivity, or any thought-provoking topic. I love personal blogs. A blog is a courtside seat with the glimpse of the author’s stories and experiences. And from those are lessons and questions that will surely hit home and tickle one’s curiosity. Somewhere, somehow, there’s always going to be a hidden gem.
If one person would find her way to one of my posts and resonate with even a single statement, that would be a win. Inspiring others is a great way to inspire yourself.
Writing is a form of expression. And I’m not much of a talker so writing appealed to me.
I’m a poetry guy. I’m more into lyrics and stanzas playing around words and rhythm. But in recent years, I’ve learned to enjoy writing essays. And as I become hooked on self-help topics, the outputs begin to reflect my readings.
Journaling amuses me though I’m not an avid (daily) journaler. It’s a form of reflection. I like being alone with my thoughts and a journal is the perfect companion. I often write in it during times of heightened emotions. With a pen on hand, I could defuse anger, reduce loneliness and immortalize joyous moments.
Writing is also a step to understanding myself. Having a journal and reading through it is like doing a tour inside my mind. It’s like watching a movie about my own life.
It is a means to understand myself better, my likes and dislikes, my needs and wants. It’s a way to improve character. I could write whatever I want. Just between me and my journal, my confidant.
Once, I was skimming through my past journal entries. I was just browsing page after page. In the midst of the entries and a few doodles, I smiled. It felt good to reimagine the scenarios painted out in each entry. I felt connected to my past self. I heard him telling stories to me. It was therapeutic.
One of these days, one item in my bucket list will read, “Have a mini-book compiling my favorite pieces of poems, songs and essays”.
I’m not an aspiring writer. I write, ergo, I am a writer.