Step one
Just take the first step.
Then step two, then three. And so on.
When we set our goals, we are hopeful. We feel alive and enthusiastic.
It’s in our nature to aim for the stars. We are all achievers and learners. So we have big goals. It’s all excitement and zest.
Until we get overwhelmed.
It’s not necessarily fear. We just love to procrastinate.
We look at a goal as a mountain of obstacles. And we are lazy to hike to the peak, let alone traverse the wilderness. We worry about the problems that are not present. We justify our laziness with our favorite what-ifs.
So we never get things done.
Here’s a thought.
Take a single step.
Just one step. One move. One thing.
Think of the tiny thing you can do. What’s the easiest item on your to-do list that can get you closer to your goal? Do it today.
Do 5 push-ups. Save 10 bucks. Read a page. Write a five-sentence essay. Learn a chord. Send that hello.
Then do it again tomorrow. And again, on the day after. Don’t think about the results yet. It’s way too early. At this stage, no progress is obvious to be seen or felt.
Just show up. That’ll say a lot about your character.