Run run
Why do we always run?
it's monday. my alarm was set at 5:13 a.m. i had a running workout scheduled. had been feeling under the weather the past week. no runs for six looong days.
my watch was waking me up, it's 5:13. i'll run tomorrow, i thought. i shut my eyes, hoping to fall asleep again. opened them again. checked my watch, 5:22. ok i got up, changed to my #rootd (running outfit of the day lol) and head out.
i'm in the middle of a 13-week training plan. i challenged myself to a SUB30 5K. 5 kilometers within 30 minutes. currently in week 9. had to pause the training last week since i got colds and coughs. feeling better now so i tried to go for a run.
warm-up, 10 minutes. easy pace, felt comfortable.
drill workout. 5x 30 seconds run, 30 seconds recovery. tried to increase the pace during the runs, and during recovery, ran in slower pace instead of walking. felt okay.
accelaration-glide workouts. 5x 30 seconds of continous run to glide to walk cycles. cool down, 10 minutes.
extended the cool down to complete 5K. finished with good pace at ~6:30/KM
i'm not really sure why i keep doing this self-imposed training plan. heck i'm not even an athlete. we all know how it's a struggle just to wake up early.
but.. i always look forward to my next run. and i try to religiously follow the training plan, which means that i should help my body recover, which further means i need a lot of sleep. -_-
i run 3-4 times a week. i guess it has become a habit. a habit that keeps me healthy, lets me escape even for a short while, and challenges me to push myself.
pardon me. beyond these are set of other questions. why i want to be healthy, why i want to escape, why the f i want to push myself.
i lost my flow, 'til next time!