Law of attraction
Prepare your Plan B.
The Law of Attraction is a widely popular concept. The idea explains how we can use our thoughts to will something into existence. That if we have a strong desire for something, the universe will conspire to make it happen. And this goes both ways. Positive thoughts attract favorable outcomes, whereas negative ones attract adverse outcomes.
I tried looking up “law of attraction celebs” on Google. Who do you think topped the list? Oprah, Jim C., Will S., Kanye, and Denzel, are just a few prominent names. Their stories aside, it only demonstrates how popular and potent the philosophy is.
The law of attraction is a way of life. It’s no wonder why many individuals believe in it. A mind is a strong tool. But we can only harness a tiny bit of its potential.
I follow this way of thinking myself. I set plans and objectives and wish to accomplish them all. Once I set my mind to something, I’d try as much as I could to achieve it. But I also consider other outcomes. And I think it is a better approach to setting goals. I hope for the best while preparing for the worst. It pays to be ready, even though we cannot possibly predict every circumstance. Optimism requires realism.
Murphy’s law is an adage that states, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” Focus on the goal, but it won’t hurt to imagine failure. Failures are opportunities in disguise. Expose them by seizing the lessons they offer.
In life, there is always a Plan B.