purple ram

Contemplating a Kindle

For the past two years, I've enjoyed reading on my phone using the Kindle app. It’s convenient, syncs my reading progress across devices, and simply works.

But lately, I’ve found myself contemplating buying an actual Kindle device. It’s one of those things you didn’t know you needed—until the Internet told you so. Seeing others rave about their Kindles has made me want one. Badly. And with the basic model being relatively affordable, the temptation is real.

The Pros:

There are a lot of reasons why a Kindle seems like a great idea:

For me, these are all solid advantages that keep drawing me in.

The Cons:

Obviously, there should be downsides. But honestly, I can only think of one—it’s yet another device to maintain. And since I already read on my phones, having a separate device might just feel redundant.

The Decision:

If I do decide to go for it, I’ll need to remind myself of one thing: If I’m spending money on it, I should use it. Ideally, it’ll make me read even more. And if it doesn’t live up to my expectations, well, there’s always the option to sell it.

What do you think?
