purple ram

Keep it burning

I’m a planner. Whenever I come up with ideas, planning has become second nature. It sounds good on paper but there’s always one problem — I don’t get results.

Here’s how it always goes.

I think of an idea. I research a bit about it. I take out my pen and notebook and start scribbling. Lists. Flowcharts. Mind-maps. I open my to-do app and create an item for the project. I list the subprojects within the project and further deeper, the list of things to do.

The process actually starts whenever I come across something interesting. And then an idea will pop out in my head. Then, the above routine. My state at that stage? Excited, inspired, hopeful.

But this lasts for a few days or weeks only. I might check a few to-do items at first but I lack follow-through.

Inspiration -> Visualization -> Plan -> Execution

Plans are rigid

I lose drive even before the ship starts sailing. Or when there’s even a slight deviation from the script, I also divert myself.

I fail to adapt and maintain interest. It’s good that I get to explore things but it’s bad that I’m not able to go with the changing circumstances. More often than not, I just don’t get the results I’m after.

I make plans to set direction. And I’ll continue doing so. But this time, I have to adjust and execute better. I have to be creative and resilient in every situation. To go where I want to, I have to keep the fire burning.