Consume moderately
The Internet is a forest. You can go in knowing exactly what you need or you can just wander hoping to find something special. It’s a paradise, both for the focused and the curious.
We all love the Internet. And there’s a haven in there for anyone looking for comfort. For most, it’s social media. For me, blogs do the trick. I’d rather learn a mental model than see a photo of a friend’s lunch.
Reading blogs and articles has been my default mode whenever I’m on the phone. It’s my pastime. I’ve read probably more than a thousand articles in the past year. I was productive. Or at least I thought I was.
I got this illusion in the past that the more I read, the better I would be. Knowledge without application. I was only gathering information. And without a deeper understanding, it was not truly knowing. I was not learning. I became a victim of the collector’s fallacy.
Owning a lot of books does not make someone a reader. Watching a lot of tutorials on design does not make me a graphic designer. Hoarding courses on web development does not make me a programmer.
I set this year’s theme to: Consume enough, create more. This means more actual projects. Execution over theories. In the midst of a forest of data, I’ll challenge myself to filter what I consume and create more out of what I’ve consumed.