purple ram


Life gets messy.
Regrets, what-ifs.
Compromise and unfulfilled plans.

Sometimes, the chaos outweighs our whys. It’s easy to get lost. One minute, you’re cruising on a smooth, paved highway. And the very next, you find yourself on a rough road leading to nowhere.

Sometimes, you feel alone. Even in a crowd of people. You catch yourself spacing out. With the horizon guiding your eyes to the unknown. Looking far, appreciating the skyline.

But somehow, there’s always something to remind you -- A smile, a beautiful sunrise, or a heartfelt conversation. You are seen and heard. Appreciated and valued.

Breakdowns are meant to happen. Like clouds, we’re supposed to let out a little rain. Showing vulnerability is a strength. It feeds the soul.

Allow yourself to breathe.
To pause.
Maybe all you need is a drink or two.
A trusty pair of ears..
And the stars..